Moments Divine: Before the Blessed Sacrament


“It is the Lord.” —cf. John 21:7

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is not only the greatest devotion for individual members of the Church, it is also the supreme action of the Church—for the Sacrament of the Eucharistic liturgy is the Sacrifice of God Himself. What the Lord offers us daily in this Most Blessed Sacrament is unspeakably glorious, salutary, and magnificent; it is, as the Second Vatican Council’s document Sacrosanctum Concilium says, the “source” and “summit” of the Christian life. Therefore, veneration of the Most Precious Body and Blood of Our Lord is not only extremely beneficial to us; it also very likely may turn out the means of our salvation.

In Moments Divine, find powerful, piercing meditations, devotions, and stories related to the Blessed Sacrament and Its adoration. Suitable for private devotion and Holy Hours made with Our Lord, each of the 30 chapters here contains:

  • True Stories
  • Various Prayers
  • An Act of Contrition
  • A Sacred Heart Reading
  • A Spiritual Communion
  • And so much more…

As Archbishop Fulton Sheen would say, if Faith is alive, no other justification to adore the Blessed Sacrament is needed than that it is the Lord Himself present with us. Nothing can compare to spending time with God; for, if and when we get to Heaven, we will already know Him as intimately there as in our moments divine here on earth.

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