Presence: Prayers For Busy People (revised)


Availability: 50 in stock

SKU: SP02618 Categories: ,

Makes a wonderful companion for the busy person, with a selection of prayers and reflections chosen for various occasions.

For those who are trying to find God prayer should be a pleasurable experience since it is nothing but an attempt to seek his presence as a friend. Yet most of us find our prayer lacking in joy. Is it, perhaps, because we don’t really understand the nature of prayer?

God always answers our prayers. But oftentimes we wonder why we do not get what we pray for. He answers our prayers in his own way, in his own time. He knows what’s best for us and this may not always be that which we pray for. With faith, and in time, we will learn to understand his special message for us through his answers to our prayers.

Dimensions 5 × 3 cm
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